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Good sir, have you considered a career in the Army?

20 Día 1,063, 03:20 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom

There has been a lot of negative press about the Army recently, mostly surrounding an org security problem. But reflecting on where we are now, this is a great time to join the Army. The changes in MPPs mean that these are exciting times for Phoenix,

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Why am I still here?

14 Día 1,058, 03:56 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is perhaps an interesting twist on the wave of "Reasons to Play" articles that I've seen. I came to wonder why, after everything that goes wrong, after everything I disagree with, do I keep coming back and logging in to this game?

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Baroness Margaret Thatcher IS NOT supported by UKRP leadership

52 Día 1,052, 09:37 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom

UKRP Members,

As it stands, a current candidate for UKRP leadership is Baroness Margaret Thatcher.

I feel it is important to clarify that Baroness Margaret Thatcher, of the Conservative party, is not endorsed by the UKRP

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And now for some light relief

22 Día 1,042, 10:06 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom


Wearing one's political hat, looking at the list of past Prime Minister's of this country is gravely disappointing in terms of

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[UKRP] Jhorlin for Party President

11 Día 1,029, 10:13 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom

Ladies, gentlemen,

The time has come!

After over a year and a half as part of the UKRP, I feel now is my time to run for Party President and add my own flavour to leading our fine party. Many of you have had a taste of that, during my time as

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