Ambiente de fondo si/no

Candidat, caut partid

24 Día 742, 06:59 Publicado en Romania Romania

Buna ziua eRomania,

m-am hotarat ca in cazul in care mi se va acorda sansa, am sa candidez pentru presedintia eRomaniei.
Pentru asta am nevoie de urmatoarele:
- un congressman care sa imi acorde cetatenia
- un partid cu reale sanse de a prinde

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Massive attacks against EDEN

8 Día 738, 04:52 Publicado en France France

Sometimes things can go very easy if you don't have "allies" who are pulling you back, being scared of a few active MPPs and wanting each attack to be voted by 60 multi-nation commities.

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Another question from a confused citizen

15 Día 737, 02:31 Publicado en Poland Poland

Recently, I have seen a lot of Spanish people saying how they fougth for their RL friends from Argentina.
Ok, ok, but I don't understand one thing: from what I have been told, Argentina was the good graced angel who saved poor little Peru from a TO

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National goals

18 Día 737, 02:13 Publicado en Romania Romania

Salut baieti si fete,

m-am gandit sa intreb prin tara adminului daca cineva stie ce e cu tabul de "National goals" care a aparut pe la pagina tarilor?

Vad ca e si un monument pe acolo. Cred ca adminii s-au gandit la un mod original

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A quick question from a confused citizen

20 Día 736, 01:13 Publicado en Poland Poland

There is something I don't understand, maybe somebody can help me.

When Americans PTO North Korea, everything is ok, everybody is happy, despited the country being conquered 3 times thanks to the TO president attacking Russia again and again.

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