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Champinator For Congress In Limpopo!!!!!!

5 Día 763, 19:48 Publicado en South Africa South Africa

I, Champinator, am running for Congress in the region of Limpopo. This will be my fourth time total and my third time in Limpopo specifically. I urge you to vote for me. Here is a short biography and some reasons why to vote for me:


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AGW Hacked

11 Día 756, 17:22 Publicado en South Africa South Africa

FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU- The AGW was infiltrated during the elections today. Channers hacked Mike and made him run. Stryke was then forced into the spotlight. Here's my message to the Channers. GTFO!!! No one f****** likes you. You have no friends. You

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Ines Has been Hacked!!!

6 Día 755, 15:53 Publicado en South Africa South Africa

My sources have told me Ines has been hacked. Vote no on her proposals and don't listen to her until further notice.

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Champinator For Party President!!!

7 Día 752, 17:17 Publicado en South Africa South Africa

On election day, I urge you to vote for me, Champinator, as your next Party President. Here are my reasons and a brief biography:

Born on Day 627
Hard Worker x2
Super Soldier x1
Congressman in Limpopo x2
Congressman in Free State x1

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Vote for Ben-101!!!

10 Día 736, 18:05 Publicado en South Africa South Africa

Do it now if you want to keep Exilious out of office. Vote for Ben-101 and Exilious will no longer be a wildcard. Ben-101 will be though. Just think of how great it would be if Exilious wasn't in Congress. We might actually get things done. Remember

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