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Cease Fire failed, negotations continue? War rages on.

5 Día 480, 21:12 Publicado en USA USA

The cease fire mentioned in our last paper

apparently was not signed by either Mexico or Portugal and was only a draft version of a proposed cease fire.

Eugene Harlot

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Cease Fire declared in Mexico

12 Día 480, 00:31 Publicado en USA USA

This is the proposal for a cease fire, drafted by Galddos

I Terms and Conditions
1. An immediate ceasefire will be made between The United States, Portugal, and Mexico
2. The battles currently existing in the regions of Oxaca and Baja will be

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State of Emergency, World War arrives in North America

22 Día 476, 15:43 Publicado en USA USA

Final push to eliminate Mexico
Despite Mexico having 7 allies now, (Hungary, Chile, Argentina, Switzerland, Netherlands, Bulgaria, and Brazil) Within the next 2.5 hours Mexico will be defeated and eliminated from the game.

EDIT: Mexico leer más »

Mexico City burns, the rise of an American Empire.

9 Día 473, 17:34 Publicado en USA USA

The Central Highlands, Mexico City, has fell to US forces in another glorious battle.

The Mexican War now folds to its final chapters, We've conquered Baja, the NorthWest and NorthEast despite minor setbacks (the geographic error). Mexico took

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Uncle Sam maintains 40% of the votes. - Projected Winner -

1 Día 471, 16:59 Publicado en USA USA

Uncle Sam currently holds 702 votes ( 41.59% of all the votes ) with 35.45% of the poll completed. Since the poll opened last night Uncle Sam has not dropped below the 40% mark. We expect this trend to continue into the night, meaning Uncle Sam will

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