Ambiente de fondo si/no

e-parent in erepublic

36 Día 2,202, 04:10 Publicado en Romania Romania Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

First time that I saw the topic of Brain party contest I said that’s not good for me. Not because I am a soulless person or because I don’t like to help people in erepublik but because it is a quite sensitive topic. Then I received a message from a

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Lana's last stand

23 Día 2,175, 11:53 Publicado en Romania Romania Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

There was a time when I was young…

Like all kids I was rebellious and my father used to tell me stories in order to scare me and go to sleep. I am going to tell you one of them.

It was long time ago before the age of humans. This world was

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Different ideas

31 Día 2,159, 12:26 Publicado en Romania Romania Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Are we really so different?

I caught many times my self wondering how different we are. All … leer más »

why do i keep coming back...

30 Día 2,127, 13:13 Publicado en Romania Romania Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Summer is over long ago.

Some players went small trips others went bigger trips, few stayed in their home. Some of those who left had some quality time with family others did some crazy things with friends and there are those who had some

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erep across the galaxy a brave new world...

60 Día 2,112, 11:54 Publicado en Romania Romania Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

The world is not the same any more…
Humans thought that they were the only sentient beings in this universe. Once again they where wrong.
Things had changed since 15/2/2020 humanity made the “first contact”. Unlikely Hollywood it was a peaceful

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