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Copyright bogdanditu

Rezults in Tibet and SOY SAUCES

7 Día 1,283, 04:53 Publicado en China China Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Looks like in Tibet my ex party coleg got just 2 votes...shame shame shame...
Per general the party got only 4 congres members...big shame shame...looks like my goal is furfill.
Next time leave a candidate were he is...or disaprove him in good

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7 Día 1,282, 04:48 Publicado en China China Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Leaving this party...
Do not vote these noncomunicating people...
Any other party will do...
Don't vote them in order to not have any votes and leave this party with no congres members...they don't deserv to have any members in the congres!

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11 Día 1,281, 07:03 Publicado en China China Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Looks like i've been ramed out of the race...this party has a problem with comunication...i wanted to move in another region to apply there for congres were there will be no other candidate but look's like candidatures are stuck...can't leave this

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Tibet ---> VOTE !!!

6 Día 1,280, 07:13 Publicado en China China Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Everyone who is in Tibet and wishes to vote please contact me to "advise" them in their vote.
Thank you for your interest.
Have a nice day!
Vote and Subscribe!

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Free food earn easy

53 Día 1,274, 01:41 Publicado en China China Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Everyone who:
-Add's me as a friend
-Shouts the link of this article
-Votes(say number of vote)
-Subscribes(say number of subribe)
-Comment(say number of vote and subscribe)

Will get one q4 food.[leer más »