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The IUP Gives Back to All eIreland Citizens

45 Día 1,754, 12:34 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

In an effort to ensure that we are continuing with our party mission, we would like to take this opportunity to give back to the people of eIreland.

There have been concerns that many of us in the … leer más »

David Allenkey for Congress on Day 1740

8 Día 1,734, 07:15 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

As everyone can tell by looking at me, I am relatively new to the eRepublik world. To this point, I have mainly done what is asked, and tried to be the best possible citizen that I can be for eIreland. I … leer más »

Congress Elections

1 Día 1,733, 21:31 Publicado en Ireland Ireland Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

In six short days, the people of eIreland will have a chance to change the landscape of their country, and determine who will serve as their elected officials of congress. Based on recent events, this could perhaps be one of the most important

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