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Patriotism at its best

A Huge Commitment

5 Día 943, 16:55 Publicado en Canada Canada

Now, I'm sure that at least one of you has thought about erepublik SPIES. The government is looking for people who are willing to go into Pheonix countries, infiltrate their congress, and report back to EDEN. The people need to speak the language of

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1 Día 943, 12:17 Publicado en Canada Canada

Now, If you are a company or former company owner, and you company has failed, please comment on why you think your company failed. I will then post the main reasons companies fail, for the benefit of the community. Hopefully if enough people read

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ERep Stock Exchange for Noobs

2 Día 943, 11:09 Publicado en Canada Canada

The erep stock exchange gives players the ablility to buy and sell companies or orgs. BUT it is NOT a game feature. It is a user-created thing.

For orgs the benefits are😮ffer stock options to employees and dramatically increase the

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2 Día 943, 10:12 Publicado en Canada Canada

OK I've nothing to write about, so if you want me to find anything out, or would like me to cover a subject, give you publicity, etc, just send me a pm.

(NO congress candidatures)

Sincerely Yours,

George Beeman

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You Win Some, You Lose Some...

5 Día 942, 11:36 Publicado en Canada Canada

Well, EDEN's awe-inspiring 4 pronged attack on eSerbia and Pheonix= FAIL
I am shocked. It seems that every time we attack Serbia, we are in the underground for the first 6 hours and then we get vaporised. 4 attacks and they kept us off. We won a

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