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Special Message! Battle of Lapland

4 Día 859, 18:37 Publicado en Norway Norway

Today, day 859, 18.30 erepublik time I attacked Lapland, Russia. This was a part of EDEN operations.
And as Lapland is a Finish region and not a Russian core region no MPPs were triggered.
This will doubtfully effect our relationship with Russia

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What is an EDEN?

3 Día 858, 10:20 Publicado en Norway Norway

What is an EDEN?
No, it is not a typo or grammatical error. Really now, isnt it time now to consider what is an Erepublik Defense & Economy Network?
So, lets examine it closely.

What is &quot😉efense"?

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Report( 18-25 March 2010)

4 Día 857, 11:58 Publicado en Norway Norway

Hi eNorway! This week report came later because of the Congress Elections.This week some new activities happened. As minister of Public Relations I will try to give you all the important news from Norway.
1. This week was Congress Elections. It was

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Report(11-12 March 2010)

3 Día 850, 03:15 Publicado en Norway Norway

Hi eNorway! This week some new activities happened. As minister of Public Relations I will try to give you the all news from Norway.
1.The Congress Discussions for Reduce import tax on housing from 10% to 1%
The first important think that

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Felles uttalelse/Common statement

7 Día 848, 14:02 Publicado en Norway Norway

Felles uttalelse om de siste dagers hendelser/Common statement about last few days events

Som følge av begivenheter de siste to dagene under den pågående millitære operasjonen i Europa, er signatørene av dettte dokumentet bekymret leer más »