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[AMBASSADOR] Phoenix is under fire again! [HUN]

11 Día 1,038, 04:49 Publicado en Hungary Hungary

Hello, dear Hungarians.

Last night another hack attack stroke our Union. Now, the victim is a serbian military organization. Companies, gold and different currencies are missing. There is an [url= más »

[VOTE] Пореден хак! / Another hack attack!

18 Día 1,037, 16:54 Publicado en Bulgaria Bulgaria

Поредната простотия се случи в тая игра. След неспирните промени на админите, дойде ред и на хакерите, които си бяха взели няколко седмици почивка. Ето, че отново са в играта, като този път жертва е сръбски военен орг с 8 фирми, много злато и различн

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[AMBASSADOR] MPPs are not, what they have been. [HUN]

19 Día 1,036, 06:23 Publicado en Hungary Hungary

Hello, dear readers.

Yesterday, when i logged in the game, i saw something very strange, that took me few minutes to understand what exactly was happening.

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[AMBASSADOR] Bul-hungarian diplomatic team [HUN]

13 Día 1,033, 05:38 Publicado en Hungary Hungary

Hello, dear Hungarians.

Today i'll propose you an idea, that could improve our diplomatic relationship.

First, I'll start with one my request. If you remember my[url= más »

[AMBASSADOR] Phoenix losing Bulgaria? [HUN]

43 Día 1,030, 04:28 Publicado en Hungary Hungary

Hello, dear readers.

Today i’ll present you some facts and I’ll try to describe you the mood in our country.
First, check the battle stats for our country in the top10 since v2:

[img][/[/img] … leer más »