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Official bulletin of Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Republic of Moldova

Friendship commitment–an official proposal of the Foreign Office Moldova Irl

6 Día 793, 02:53 Publicado en Ireland Ireland

Nowadays we, the eMoldavian Congress and Government, consider improving the international relationships and developing new ties with other countries similar to us.

Hence, we have formulated and transmitted to other presidents, MoFAs, or just

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Friendship commitment–an official proposal of the Foreign Office Moldova Chn

8 Día 793, 02:53 Publicado en China China

Nowadays we, the eMoldavian Congress and Government, consider improving the international relationships and developing new ties with other countries similar to us.

Hence, we have formulated and transmitted to other presidents, MoFAs, or just

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Friendship commitment–an official proposal of the Foreign Office Moldova Ind

17 Día 793, 02:51 Publicado en India India

Nowadays we, the eMoldavian Congress and Government, consider improving the international relationships and developing new ties with other countries similar to us.

Hence, we have formulated and transmitted to other presidents, MoFAs, or just

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Moldova te cheama, te cheama la ea!

9 Día 792, 17:48 Publicado en Romania Romania

Buna ziua, dragi romani, scriu acest articol-mesaj in speranta ca oameni doritori si plini de viata il vor citi.

Scopul mesajului meu este scurt „Sa veniti in Moldova!”. Multi veti intreba „de ce?”, ce are acea tara mai special si noi nu avem.

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(Ministerul de Externe) Raport - primele zile

9 Día 787, 18:36 Publicado en Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Primele zile la Ministerul de Externe, s-au dovedit dificile, dar cu ajutorul omologului meu Anduu am reusit sa ne facem o idee cum sa actionam in perioada ce urmeaza.

1.Corpul Diplomatic Moldovenesc

Acesta este un proiect "de importanta

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