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Getting high wellness for new players

0 Día 751, 17:22 Publicado en Australia Australia

Starting out in eRepublik can be tricky. Before you know it you are below 40 wellness and it seems like the food you buy is never enough to help you increase your wellness back again. So I am going to offer some tips to beginners in order to get

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2 new regions due in 26 days

8 Día 750, 22:27 Publicado en Australia Australia

I can't wait to enjoy our new regions! Who else is excited?

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Outsourcing the eAus military - Q & A

7 Día 750, 06:25 Publicado en Australia Australia

Thanks for the interesting feedback on my original article concerning outsourcing of the military. I have read all these comments and have some responses and/or more detail according to how I envisioned this system in my mind. I am no expert on

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Comment on ERA's policy - Outsourced military

8 Día 749, 06:16 Publicado en Australia Australia

ERA published a policy to outsource a large part of the eAustralian military as part of its election platform:

"The private sector will cover those in

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My comments on the draft Constitution

0 Día 742, 06:54 Publicado en Australia Australia

The Parliament has put out for public discussion a draft Constitution for eAustralia which can be viewed at

My submission on the eAusrepublik forum follows below:

At the outset

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