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Guns For Greeks- Finished

451 Día 890, 15:22 Publicado en Greece Greece

-Edit- There will no longer be any guns given out. Feel free to subscribe to my newspaper to see my other articles later on. 🙂 Greece FTW 😃

Με αφορμή την τρέχουσα μάχη στην Τουρκία προσφέρω δωρεάν όπλα σε όποιον έχει Ελληνική Υπηleer más »

Vote Greekdude829

33 Día 885, 14:32 Publicado en Greece Greece

I would like to ask for your votes on Election Day, Day 887. I am running for Congress in the Greek region of Thessaly. Some reasons to vote for me are, I am a very active member I have 9 Hard Working Medals, 1 Battle Hero, 5
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Greek Recruiters

32 Día 876, 21:07 Publicado en Greece Greece

Hello, last Saturday some of my fellow Greek friends, The Greek Recruiters and I went on multiply Greek gaming websites for example Fylitikes Maxes, Ikariam, The West and Grepolis. We had a total of 10 recruiters, 1 was sent to Ikariam leer más »

We Are Recruiting

23 Día 871, 17:01 Publicado en Greece Greece">

Some fellow Greeks and I will be doing a massive recruit project on April 10, 2010 at 1😇0 p.m. time in Greece Day 872. We will be sending massive amounts of
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How To Make Easy Gold And Help Greece

22 Día 861, 19:11 Publicado en Greece Greece

The way to make easy gold and help improve Greece is by picking up your real life phone, and calling some of your real life friends or family members (cousins) possibly. Once you have your friend or family member on the phone you
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