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Welcome back South Africa

9 Día 854, 16:33 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland

Dear Swiss people

After being absent for a little less then a month South Africa is finally back on the map.
With the victory in Northern Cape ( the country is finally back. Although it won't be easy

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bye bye south Africa

11 Día 838, 12:49 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland

Good Day Swiss people,

As some of you know with the President elections South Africa was PTO'ed by channers.
This was done by cheating and hacking of accounts.
Ronell who was third at the moment before the night with 70 votes behind was ahead

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Thank you Switzerland

5 Día 834, 09:16 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland

Good day,
As you may have heard the South Africa won the battle and Gauteng is South African again as it's suppose to be. I would like to thank the 4 Swiss people who gave us supported us and fought for us (-6,248 damage). I also saw that there … leer más »

Help South Africa

6 Día 833, 04:27 Publicado en Switzerland Switzerland

Dear Swiss,

Please help us in our fight to win the Region Gauteng back from be Brazilians.
Please fight red in
With help we can win back what is rightfully ours.

Sincerely yours,


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Fhaemita Malodorous running for Congress

2 Día 825, 13:50 Publicado en South Africa South Africa

Good day fellow South African citizens,

with his article I want to declare my candidature for the Congress of South Africa adn will be running for the Independent Alternative. Most people will most likely not now me. Altough I am registered on

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