Ambiente de fondo si/no

RN News

37 Día 1,926, 18:31 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

below,make of it what you will.
Hello there.
For those who know me,you will know most of my articles are just for fun and a laugh.
However since i became commander of the Royal Navy,i have decided that the best course for the RN would to become

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Snow warning

18 Día 1,908, 05:53 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

The government have issued a warning
saying the anyone travelling in icy
and snowy conditions should take a shovel,
blankets or sleeping bag,extra clothing
including a scarf,hat and gloves.Plus
a 24 hr supply of food and drink,a de-icer,
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12 Día 1,890, 11:10 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Teacher Arrested

A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, a slide-rule and a calculator. At a … leer más »

Spare a thought

10 Día 1,856, 02:59 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

At this time of year (or any time for that matter)spare a thought for all our troops who are out there in the world serving our country.Spare a thought for those who are killed or maimed,and their families


The … leer más »

Call centre conversations

6 Día 1,856, 02:12 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Call Centre conversations
Customer: 'I've been ringing 0800 2100 for two days and can't get through
to enquiries, can you help?'.
Operator: 'Where did you get that number from, sir?'.
Customer: 'It was on the door to the Travel Centre'.

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