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[Plato] Finally the economy fix?

10 Día 2,400, 09:00 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Good news everyone!
The economy will be fixed, from now on you can only pay with gold. Currency will be completely removed from the game!

[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.[/img] … leer más »

[MoD] Midtjylland

17 Día 2,394, 01:40 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

Hello everyone,
together with the missions we have started a trainwar with Germany, so feel free to fight in this battle[leer más »

[ilphen] The crew! - vote ilphen 4 CP -

22 Día 2,389, 04:22 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Heya everyone,
I know it might be a little late, but here is my cabinet for the following months, that is if I win the elections!

• President - well.. me ofc 😃
• vice … leer más »

Vote ilphen for President!

12 Día 2,387, 10:56 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hi guise and gals,
just a small article, I kinda want to answer on Zachs last article which bored me a lot. :3
It basically states "everything will stay the same, but maybe we … leer más »

[ilphen] You are a pirate!

19 Día 2,385, 07:51 Publicado en Denmark Denmark Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Hey DK!

I'm running for CP. It's time for some change in the Danish policies regarding... well.. everything!
It has been too long since we actively did anything and June is the … leer más »