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The official newspaper of the UK Department for Education.

AMD. Was Here

[MoEd (Day 2,758)] - Special Report and UKSA - NHS!

15 Día 2,758, 00:43 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

This is article intends to inform the eUK population about the National Health Service.

This is a Special Report from Deputy Minister of Education: Colin ChipPhilfer
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[MoEd (Day 2,751)] - Military Module and UKSA - Military Units!

3 Día 2,751, 07:20 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

This is article intends to inform the Military Module in eRepublik.

The Ministry of Education aims to inform the public about the Military Units in the United
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[MoEd (Day 2,745)] - Military Module Prologue and UKSA - Strength Challange Event!

67 Día 2,745, 12:00 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

This article is a prologue to the Military Module Series - soon to be published on Day 2,751.

The Ministry of Education aims to have members of the United Kingdom to
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[MoEd (Day 2,735)] - Economic Module and UKSA - Gold!

8 Día 2,735, 13:15 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

This is article intends to inform the Economic Module in eRepublik.

The Ministry of Education aims to inform the usage and purpose of Gold, and how to invest in
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[MoEd] New Adventure - Learning the Ropes

4 Día 2,731, 11:10 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

This is article intends to inform the Economic Module in eRepublik.

The Ministry of Education aims to inform how to survive the first few days in eRep.

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