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Military insider (SRB)

30 Día 2,478, 07:56 Publicado en South Africa South Africa Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Sastanak komandira vojske:

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That's the way how champions do ! (Srb - Eng)

9 Día 2,372, 12:44 Publicado en South Africa South Africa Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Новак Ђоковић је донирао 500.000 $ за жртве поплава у Србији. То је прави гест великог шампиона. Хвала Ноле !

Novak Djokovic has donated 500.000 $ for the flood victims in Serbia. It's a true big champion gesture. Thank you Nole !


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I am back !

7 Día 1,815, 09:02 Publicado en South Africa South Africa Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

27 days ago situation was like that:

And now:

Big THANK YOU goes to [url=

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Official statement: guilty without evidences ?

7 Día 1,788, 07:58 Publicado en South Africa South Africa Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

It takes too long from appeal committee to respond so I need to share the story.

Recently I was temporary banned for 3 days. Reason was creating or administrating multiple accounts. At first I was shocked because it never crossed my mind to make

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New missions, day 1.639 of the New World

6 Día 1,639, 08:45 Publicado en South Africa South Africa Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Mission 1

Rewards: 10% rank points depending on your objective and 50 strength points.

Mission 2

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