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43 Día 3,944, 01:03 Publicado en India India Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hello citizens of eIndia,

I stand before you not as CP of eIndia as exactly 50% of you were hoping. I thought it was 24 of you who voted for me but erepublik thinks that its just 22 and since there was a tie, the player with the higher level wins.

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(BB4CP) Bring Back BB

20 Día 3,941, 10:51 Publicado en India India Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Hello citizens of eIndia,

As the CP elections are just a few hours away, this is a short article by me to introduce myself to those of you who don’t know me (still!) and to put forward my plans when I become CP.

--> 9 Time Country President

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Plato's Summer Sale! [Republished]

18 Día 3,935, 02:47 Publicado en India India Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Dear readers,

Today Plato released the his Summer Sale. Today and only today you are able to buy special 3x energy bars as well as special military … leer más »

Turning the Wheels of History

14 Día 3,921, 22:19 Publicado en India India Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

I know I am late but on the occasion of India's Independence Day, here’s a look at the cars from the Independence era. India’s well-heeled have always loved their swanky set of vehicles.


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Its My Birthday (FREE FOOD)

223 Día 3,875, 03:44 Publicado en India India Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

ok I don't want to sound like a 6 year old girl but its my birthday today and the best part about birthdays are gifts!!! I am definitely feeling all the … leer más »