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Asgardian Forces Prepare to Invade, Asteria Pulling the Strings?

3 Día 2,342, 16:40 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Well with some rather nifty moves from N W G and his cabinet they used the art of war to sacrifice a battle but win the war and remove the Pakistani invasion from our close friends and

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The British Expeditionary Force - Call to Arms!

3 Día 2,340, 13:41 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

Rise up my fellow Brits and let us show Pakistan what happens when you mess with our allies! The British Expeditionary Force made famous during the first and second world war has once more touched down on European soil as we bravely fight to

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Resistance Wars - An Exercise in Futility?

12 Día 2,320, 15:12 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

And so its another artice that funnily enough involves Scotland and our inepitude to hold it and then take it back and this time I have shiny pictures to try and make a point!

At the time of writing the war score is 21 - 1 in favour of Finland,

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Toodle Pip Scotland!

9 Día 2,316, 15:43 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Análisis de la guerra Análisis de la guerra

Well being Scottish myself I have to say I am not a big fan of the upcoming independence vote, I am a staunch supporter of the union. I am Scottish and proud I own a kilt I drink whiskey, irn bru and even Scotland's other unofficial drink buckfast

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Baptism of Fire

15 Día 2,312, 03:05 Publicado en United Kingdom United Kingdom Primeros pasos en eRepublik Primeros pasos en eRepublik

Well it has certainly been an interesting few weeks to begin my elife with although hopefully in times to come the excitement isn't coupled with mass invasion and a potential PTO.

So since my last article I have been trying to build up my

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