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so it is time....and hours to go before we must vote

1 Día 411, 09:01 Publicado en Sweden Sweden

In a few hours we must once again vote for the highest office in the land, the president of esweden. No matter who wins there will be issues that need to be addressed, not just for esweden but for erepublik as a whole and everyones overall playing

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Time flies when your having bugs

2 Día 409, 16:22 Publicado en Sweden Sweden

It is to be known that as a serving congressman over the holiday season i have not been entirely loyal to my erepublik duties. I have missed a couple of days here and there of work and training and administration because of the holiday season,

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0 Día 397, 12:23 Publicado en Sweden Sweden

Once again the elections are upon us. And what a lovely time of year it is. It shows that we are indeed a country who listens to its people. This is your chance to shout out and make yourself heard. I am once again running for congress because i

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Change, what is it good for? absolutely something, say it again

2 Día 396, 11:08 Publicado en Sweden Sweden

Sorry about being behind on my regular column but tis the season to be jolly and ive been busy with the juletide preparation. Since my last article alot has indeed changed in esweden. My party, FBS has a new president, toothpaste. This does not

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croisant and pain au chocolat anyone? maybe some apperitifs?

4 Día 387, 19:34 Publicado en Sweden Sweden

I went to france today, the land of the....French, and some others, not sure who, their wikipedia entry was rather lacking on this point. I tried CIA world factbook, but found it had little relevance to efrance, apparently the CIA doesnt have a

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