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Why not enjoy reading it with a few "interesting" pictures!

What makes eAustria and it's flag so special

15 Día 1,145, 17:57 Publicado en Austria Austria

"The Austrian flag has a somewhat interesting origins legend. It is said that the design was created by Duke Leopold V of Austria. During a tough and lengthy battle he was … leer más »

eAustria needs something. What is it?

5 Día 1,143, 13:27 Publicado en Austria Austria

English Translation:

I stumble over this question several times when looking at the eAustrian country website here:

I ask myself and other what would make that country better but can not come up … leer más »

Hello Austria

6 Día 1,136, 15:12 Publicado en Austria Austria

This is only a introduction, not an essay.

I like to say hello to all citizens of Austria as I became a new citizen of this wonderful country just today and that is why I'd like to introduce myself properly. I am patar333 and I was a eCanada

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Let’s Bring some Humor Back into this Game

10 Día 832, 17:10 Publicado en Canada Canada

An elderly woman went to her local doctor’s office and asked to speak with her doctor. When the receptionist … leer más »

I’m Back in Canada, and this time, there’s going to be change to me

24 Día 819, 15:47 Publicado en Belgium Belgium

Well people, I know everyone loved it when I was gone, but know I’m back, so In your face’s whoever laughed at me before. Because this time, I’m going to prove you people who disliked me that I’m not a quitter; I’m just that idiot who broke the

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