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two years ago today ...

54 Día 1,038, 06:58 Publicado en USA USA

Two years ago today I responded to an invitation to the beta version of something called eRepublik. I logged in, set up my account, and might have even bought some food. Then I said "oh, that's it?" and logged off for a few days till I got this

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why to vote for jbdivinus/scrabman

28 Día 801, 06:50 Publicado en Canada Canada

Hello Canada! I've been swamped in RL court for the last couple of weeks so I've been meaning to write this article but just haven't gotten around to it. I think that I need to tell everyone why I'm running for VP on the jbdivinus ticket ([

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why to vote for jbdivinus/scrabman on the 5th

6 Día 801, 06:49 Publicado en Canada Canada

Hello Canada! I've been swamped in RL court for the last couple of weeks so I've been meaning to write this article but just haven't gotten around to it. I think that I need to tell everyone why I'm running for VP on the jbdivinus ticket ([

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Emerick's Last Will and Testament

43 Día 791, 22:35 Publicado en USA USA

When I was a young player in this game I met a kid named Emerick who seemed to make people happy, sad, mad, and all sorts of other emotions. I worked to befriend him ... which is sort of what I do in real life. At one point he asked me to write a

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Canada has a Q5 weapons company!

24 Día 779, 16:57 Publicado en Canada Canada

My eUSA friends Harrison Richardson and Woxan have started up a Q5 weapons company and are looking for highly skilled Manu workers. Check them out and inquire with PENIX or check out the

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