When RL and eRep collide

Day 1,037, 10:58 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

Stop showing people your RL pics. You're killing the fantasy.

I am operating under the delusion that this game isn't just for losers... it's for really cool people with unconventional interests. I can't keep thinking that when I see what some of you really look like.

I know it's superficial. I wish physical appearance played no part in the opinions people form, but that's not realistic. OF COURSE it matters. People don't think you're cool if you're fugly and people don't think you're smart if you're hot. That's just the way of it.

What's great about playing eRep is those barriers don't exist. You can be yourself, free of superficial judgments. You can explore the depths of your own capabilities and challenge yourself in very unique ways without doing the superficial dance that RL requires. No one looks at your screen name and makes a snap decision the way they would if they saw you in real life. Offering up your RL pic in this game is asking people to judge you on your physical appearance. There is no practical use for anyone knowing what you look like, unless you plan on meeting up or something. If that's the case, do the photo swap privately!

Please let me go on being impressed by your in-game accomplishments. Please allow me to keep looking up to you and respecting you. I WANT my opinion of you to be formed by nothing more than your personality and work ethic. I really do.

So stop showing me your pics. Stop linking me to the RL pic threads on forums. Please.

When I find out you're an acne-covered 13 year old dweeb in desperate need of braces (and a shower), I won't keep thinking you're cool and it will be near impossible for me to take orders from you. What's been seen cannot be unseen.

Embrace this world of eRepublik. Be who you really are on the inside and we will all see you that way.