The Latest Betrayal

Day 1,546, 07:50 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

The PTO in Austria has begun to directly attack allies of Austria - in particular, Czechoslovakia. They opened a resistance war against them in Styria, a region granted to them in a peaceful treaty in exchange for Southern Bohemia. Kuruc fighters reached into the top 5 of each round, and overall combat: joining hand in hand fighters from Terra and EDEN, who were happy to see others join their cause, draining damage from ONE as Romania attacks Hungary.

This is the latest betrayal committed by A.Emmerich and his Kuruc supporters, and shows the lie of his earlier “pro-ONE rhetoric.” But it is not merely that he fights against an ally of Austria, and for EDEN and Terra - he goes back on his own words from his own newspaper.

Meaningless Words

In January, the Austrian Government thanked Czechoslovakia for its vital help in securing Southern Bohemia. In a clear statement, A.Emmerich highlighted this importance: “the help from Czechoslovakia was undeniable, and essential,” - and as such, “our peaceful region swap continues.” There was no doubt then as to the nature of this swap.

He goes on to note that there would be more battles to come for both of our nations, but that “we will not forget these actions - we will respond in turn by helping you when you are in need.” Instead, he directly ordered a battle be opened against them, and ordered the Kuruc militia to fight against them. Some Kurucs have even stated that the nation which they had just been thanking for help, does not even have a “right to exist.” And just now, they open a battle yet again.

Though his article says “we will not forget,” so soon he forgot not only actions, but his own words. But, perhaps “forget” is too generous, given his track record. He has repeatedly extended kind words and flattery to people, groups, and nations from whom he desires something, only to turn brutally on them when he cannot get it. His words are revealed, time and again, to mean nothing.

We Remember

Regardless of him, Austria does not have amnesia. Pointing to the legally accepted landswap agreement, many Austrians fought on behalf of Czechoslovakia to keep Styria in their possession. We showed that we remember and value this friendship, and that A.Emmerich does not hold sway on us. We express our apologies that he attempts to cause harm to you, and hope that we can all soon move on from this PTO.

Though he has taken to declaring anyone who disagrees with him a “traitor,” it is worth remembering, too, that a president is not the nation. When the president fails so blatantly in the role he is assigned, putting interests besides Austria first and using his position to help a PTO - and directly aid EDEN and Terra in battle - he no longer has legitimacy. Austrians can be proud to have stood by our allies, even when A.Emmerich tells us to join him in helping Terra and EDEN - for our support was never dependent just on the president. It is reflected by the nation itself.

We can be proud to say that we remember - we will continue to help our allies on the battlefield, and our friendship shall endure.