Thank You Czechoslovakia

Day 1,530, 00:44 Published in Austria Austria by A.Emmerich

In a hard fought battle, Southern Bohemia was secured - and our peaceful region swap continues. A thanks is certainly owed to the soldiers and suppliers of the Austrian Bundesheer. But there is a reason we say the region was secured, and not merely that we secured it: the help from Czechoslovakia was undeniable, and essential.

Many Czechoslovakians fought with full effort, giving all they could towards this campaign. Whether it was by delivering millions of damage for the effort, taking time out of their days to aid in the supplying, or even both, these actions demonstrate a true concern for us. It shows there is a true friendship and alliance between us, and the results demonstrate the benefit that cooperation can deliver.

There will be more battles in Southern Bohemia, just as there will be more battles in the regions Czechoslovakia holds. While this victory today does not change this reality, it does bring into focus, once more, what we can achieve together.

In a busy world, we truly appreciate the time and energy you took to help us in our time of need. We will not forget these actions - we will respond in turn by helping you when you are in need. Thank you.

Country President

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