Shame on You Leaders for Repeating Wars and Losing Them

Day 3,768, 00:49 Published in Canada Canada by Lama O. Curlins

I am a 21-level member of the 501st Division of the Canadian army who had participated in several battles against the Netherlands, both as a footsoldier and as an airman.

I was confident in the first several battles in the war. Then it hit me that the commander keeps sending troops to South Netherlands, the same region that I kept fighting and. Canada always loses the territories back tot he Netherlands. Instead of revaluating their strategies for the current war, they are stuck in the "business as usual" mode and still send people to be killed by the Dutch resistance fighters.

This is an embarrassment to Canada ever since we lost the Northern Territories to Serbia and became their puppet state. We also lost all of Quebec to Romania not too long ago.

Yes, the 'Canadian' Progressive Front have never planned to win our territories back from the Eastern European dominance and instead bowed down to the Serbian government and let Canada become their vassal state.

This status quo will not be maintained without sacrificing what we hold dear.
We will vote out the traitors out of the Parliament!