Canada 101 – The Rental Deal

Day 3,529, 10:57 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid
Canada 101 – The Rental Deal

I have wanted to write an article about why we rent regions to Serbia and Romania. Many newer players and newer Canadian’s are often confused about our current situation so I wanted to explain how we got here.

It all began on day 3000 with operation Shock and Awe. Canada had been under the thumb of Albania for months when 3 allies came to our aid. Lithuania, Portugal and Serbia all launched simultaneous attacks on our occupier. It was all over very quickly and we were free.

Serbia stuck around at our request for a couple months for protection against a return attack. It was in this window that the administration announced the Resource Wars event to assign all new resources throughout the eWorld.

Like all such events everyone planned for the previous Resource event where quickness and strength mattered only to discover none of that mattered in the new event. Canada had up to 5 training wars on our soil during the event but the trick was the timing of points not the volume of points.

We had agreed early on that our best bet was to team up with Serbia and work together to control the points so Canada could get the best resources we could. The top tier resources had distance buffers between them. Canada had a huge geographic advantage because of our huge land mass and few territories.

This advantage however was useless without the strength to control the timing of the points. Think a giant numbered wheel where you need to hit the correct number at the precise second.

By the time Serbia could focus solely on our points they had gotten pretty good at it. Canada ended up with the 3rd best resources in the game based on percentages. We even took the last Neodymium, the most rare and prized resource in the game.

The way the resources work we get the Resource benefits of an occupier as well as our resources being occupied. Neodymium being the only air missile based resource we managed to get made it pretty much pointless for us to control on our own. That is how Romania came into the equation. They had all the air missile resources but Neodymium.

With Canada having the 3rd best resources in the game and so few active players we were also now the biggest prized goose in the game. Our enemies would have flocked to us. So Canada entered into a rental agreement with both Serbia and Romania for the resources we would not of gotten in the first place without the help of Serbia.

Canada receives 150K from Serbia and 60K from Romania along with the pledge that our core regions will be protected by the combined might of Serbia and Romania from all unwelcome guests.

So I hope you now understand why Canada is renting regions to our allies and friends in Serbia and Romania.

Yours respectfully,

Exalted Druid