Pain is a feeling, Hope, a destiny.

Day 1,967, 15:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbojoy

Chaps, tomorrow's update will hopefully come in audio form – look forward to it!

NHS First – more updates for you all. D I W and the hordes of MoH staff have been working perfectly since the start of term. I know its going well, because no-one is moaning at me (thanks!) really, if you do have a problem, my men on the ground will sort it straight away. I know that these guys are truely the heroes on the ground that the eUK has a propensity to ignore, but we must value them, and others who serve day in, day out with their MU's, by supplying, organising or working for the greater good of our nation. Thank them often, because they won't be around for ever. I'm happy to only be mentioning these guys in a positive light, and long may it continue. If you can help celebrate their efforts, please do by donating any spare food or money you have that could support another player. If you are well off – join me in giving back to the country that calls for your aid in it's hour (well month 😛 ) of need. Mail or donate here.

On to the war then friends....

So the Irish keep us hounded hard, and they want that initiative back. I want to throw wide the doors of the treasury and throw our weapons out to our great allies who are ever keen to assist us. But I can't. I know I cannot because the nation cannot sustain expenditure like that for an extended time period. We must save our killing blow, our finishing move, our final thrust for the moment when it can really tell. We have to soak up the pain while it comes, and it's not the end of the world. We've been wiped before, and doubtless it'll happen again. We can beat our enemies by showing them we have the willpower to succeed in the long term. A brave citizen declared today: "eArgentina has more than 10 times the population of the eUK, yet the UK still has more regions." I echo this thought, because I'm worried, but only for the now and short term after. For the future, I'm assured in our ability to bounce back and prosper.

Good luck eUK
