My job here is done!

Day 1,075, 14:37 Published in Denmark France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of Denmark... The day you have all feared has now arrived, and it is time for me to abdicate and pass on my throne.
As you all know, being King is " bed of roses, no pleasure cruise", as Freddie Mercury so rightfully claimed
It is a job with much responsibility - not only should a true King be awesome all the time, he should also be a role model on who the subjects can rely and count on - just like this young lady:

During my reign, I have been subject of all kinds of feelings - mutiny, love and adoration to name a few.
Behind the stone cold facade my heart has been crushed. I gave nobilities to people I trusted, people who I counted on to deliver pure awesomeness. However, I must admit I have been disappointed at times
I expected big things. On a bright day, I expected fireworks. On a cold night, I expected sunshine - and in my big bed, I expected nudity and a massive amount of whipped cream.
Non of these wishes were granted, and for that I can't stop thinking..
Am I simply too awesome for Denmark?
Therefore, I decided to spend some time analyzing, and this is the paper I turned in to the admins:

As you see, "no" would be the correct answer. For Denmark to be awesome, the citizens must be equally awesome. Therefore, I took awesomeness into account when I was to pick out the next King of Denmark.
I have picked a person with great looks
A person who is handsome as few, and nicer than most.
A person who is awesome beyond awesomeness.
A person who never takes a bad picture.
A person who has a stormtrooper in his living room.
A person who always accepts a good challenge.

Now I know you are all thinking "But I know just one person who possesses all these qualities".
Yes, you are damn right. The above is the perfect description of the perfect man:
Barney Stinson!

Unfortunately, he was busy at Goliath National Bank, and had no time to "..take part in a silly game, when there's still loads of women to be conquered".
So, I took the second best.
Denmark, I am proud to present to you, the next King of the Kingdom of Denmark:

The King shall rule for 1 month, until the 1st of December, and shall be addressed as "Oh Captain my Captain" or short-handedly "Captain King" in public. Failing to do so will make the king cry. Really, trust me. He will.

The King is without any real power, and his first official assignment is to point out the nobilities of Denmark.
(click here to view the last round of noblemen and houses)
Before the last day of his reign, the King must write a speech in which he appoints his successor.

For more information about the Danish Monarchy, and the rules thereof, visit;
Constitution of the Kingdom of Denmark
Mr. Naizugai's article where he reinstated the timeshare monarchy of Denmark


Kind Regards,
Stente - former King of Denmark
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help eDenmark become AWESOME)