India heads for HUNG Congress

Day 403, 07:33 Published in India India by rituraj

So the Congress Elections are over. India heads for HUNG Congress. The people of India has given a mixed mandate, i.e., it hasn't given majority to any party. The party of Indian President, Lautar0, Democratic league has won largest number of Congress seat, winning 13 out of 28. It is followed by Srachit's (who is also the front runner for Country presidency) India first, with 9 seats.
Heavy weight Indian National Congress got a major blow in this election as it was not able to get a single seat in this mighty Congress. This was also same for Indian Socialist Party.
There were few new surprises also. New parties like New Era Party and Free India were able to secure 4 and 2 seats respectively. Flavio Giulio Bellico of Free India is the Congressman who is able secure 10 votes which is highest number of votes. This was 25% of the total votes casted in Karnataka region. It is to be noted that party strength of Free India is also 10. This indicates that many voters have voted above party lines and have given preference to the personality of the candidate over party.
So in the end I would like to Congratulate all the winning Congressmen and hope that they will surely work hard for betterment of Indian society.