An Interview With the Most Handsome Person Ever.

Day 1,156, 13:32 Published in USA USA by Gaylord Q. Tinkledink

Ok... gotta write an article by the end of today to be eligible for Draak's Award for Journalistic Excellence *cough*... GRahh nobody is interesting on IRC to interview...



Yes, thats right I'm giving you a chance to be interviewed by one of the bestest writer in this game. Just comment in der comment section on yer awnsers and I will post them up here with all the other sexy people...

Q1. What do you think of Mr.President?

AA😒o far, so good
Candor: I like him, good guy, surrounded himself with smart people.
TB3: Meh
Penguin: sux

Q2. If you could have sex with any eCitizen who would it be? (Genders Excluded)

AA:you bet
Penguin: Penguin451. Oh wait...
Candor:Admin's screw me all the time, I'd like to screw them just once.
TB3: Alee Ann

Q3. Do you like me??

Penguin: is that a rhetorical questions?
Candor: No. Love
TB3: I love you forever gaylord

Q4. Ehh should I ERR I mean the average american sell my gold now or will the price of it go up later? Also when should I sell it if not now?

St Krems: Q4: From a purely selfish point of view, you should sell your gold soon. Once the market bottoms out. The value of gold is about to fall sharply while the price of USD is very depressed right now. Selling gold for USD will give you a profit, which you can then probably double when admin floods the market with gold from org reimbersments leaving you with more gold then you started with.

~or you could lose it all~

AA😒till consulting the crystal ball
Penguin: I agree
Candor: No Selly Goldy every.
TB3: UHh

Q5. Where does the sun go at night?

AA😛ehind uranus
Candor: Mine go to bed
TB3: Home, it's 12 hour shift is done
Penguin: It hides in pakistan

Q6. Do I deserve to get the award? (1 usd for everyone who saids yes)

Penguin: Yes
Candor: Deserve has nothing to do with it
TB3: Of Course.

Q7.Who's your favorite writer and why?

AA:Emerick. His words allow the population to identify his
various disorders.
Penguin: Gaylord Q. Tinkledink. Do I get a bonus for that? Me: I'm too poor to afford money
Candor: Emerick. I can't follow haf of what he's talking about. I like that.
TB3: Candor

Q8. Are you unsubscribing because of the lack of quality in this article? If so, what can I do to get you back? I'll do anything... ANYTHING

AA: you always think of number one, duh
Penguin: Lack of Quality? Where?
Candor: No
TB3: Unsubscribe? Never

Q9. What number am I thinking of?

AA: oh yeah, some change is coming your way, look up... often
Candor: 6

Q10: Can you spare a brother some change....?

Candor: Change? The game doesn't change fast enough for you?
Penguin😒orry, I keep all my money locked away under a safe in my basement. It's a Jewish thing.

Anonymous: Where is your favorite place to have sex?


Here's my interview with the sexiest person ever....


Keep in mind I have been asked these questions frequently

Q1. Why are you so fucking weird and gay?

A:Well Me, that's a very interesting question. Well firstly, It's not that I'm weird, it's that everyone is weird but me so it makes me look weird. Isn't that much more likely? Also I'm not gay, I just get it when I can.

Q2. What kind of sick fuck would bring such an abomination (The abomination is you) onto the eWorld and teach you about this game instead of just cutting you off from any knowledge of this game and letting you die?

God you're a dick.... Anyway, it was Candor and Neal McWiggles(Tb3) candor pretty much gave me a basic command than I clammed onto him and never let go. Neal gave me a reason to continue to play the game which is the NoS (You should join it.....) even though he's not currently in it.

Q3. umhmhmhh can we have sex?

Iunno, CAN WE?


Q4. Moving on, do you actually believe you have a chance at winning such a prestigious award, and is that really the only reason you wrote this article?

No, I just wanted to write another article because I'm going to have to start watching write upon receiving my 4th forfeit point, most of which I actually deserved.... But, I do hopes I win and since I know draak is a very smexy man and since I know that he loves womens heres tits.

God damn photobucket...
Mehhh night....

P.S this article actually got deleted because I didn't copy it so it didn't submit correctly the first time so I had to rewrite it really quickly...
and than when I rewrote it again it turned out that the admin suspended my crap so this is the 3rd time I wrote it.