An ePhilippine Report

Day 618, 23:43 Published in USA USA by Hekter

It's taken me longer than it ever should have, but I've finally composed a report on the ePhilippines!

If you are interested in the history of the ePhilippines (henceforth referred to as eP), I highly advise you to check out the eRep Wiki article(s)! Due to Prince Corwin I's insane Wiki addiction, eP's pages are one of the most, if not the most, frequently updated and nicely formatted of the eRep Wiki. I highly advise checking them out, if only to learn the styles for other articles.

As for recent events, eP has recently[ish] announced their new membership in PEACE GC, which was being worked on for a long time, in direct response to an ATLANTIS-allied nation, Spain, attempting to politically take over the country back in April, and consistent worry about future PTOs due to their very low population.

Additionally, HazzN, the President of the ePhilippines, has announced a training war.

As for congressional elections, they mainly went off without a hitch, other than one annoying official that posted two proposals and fled the country.

Unfortunately, I am not well-versed in economics so I cannot speak on eP's economy, though I can say (after trying to find a decent job there for 3 days) that it is very, very small.