29/12/12 Petitions to Congress

Day 1,866, 06:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education

eUK Peace Summit.
#PeaceSummit @ Rizon IRC 4PM 30/12/13

Logs from community leaders leading upto this meeting.
Fill this in if you can't attend, have questions or have something to share.

We have had 10 serious petitions in the last 2 days which is a great start to the new system!

If you have something you want to propose to Congress, the Government or anyone else then please fill in this form:

You can see the results here:

In this article I am going to list the petitions we have already had and then give you the chance to sponsor them! The petitions with more than 10 sponsors will be voted on by congress.

One random player who sent in a petition will be gifted 16 Q7 Tanks.
One random player who fills in the sponsor form (see below) will also get 16 Q7 tanks.

Rejected Petitions
* Several petitions were removed because they were obvious spam (just random letters). It was quite easy to remove them since they were all next to each other on the spread sheet 🙂

* I got quite a few fake petitions which I removed. It was quite obvious that these were not real, especially as a few had my own name listed!

* Some of you are listing petitions under "anonymous", some serious some jokes. I'll be automatically deleting these because it's impossible to check if they are serious with the author.

* One petition was removed for flaming another player. We could potentially accept these but you'll have to add some evidence.

Accepted Petitions
These petitions don't need to go to sponsorship or vote because they are quite easy and reasonable things to do:

Spygon sai😛
"A person in the euk had entered into the country unlawfully so would like to see our citizenship controls in forced better and would like to see the person put before the new citizenship committee for citizen application lawfully"
The next MoLA will detail Congressmen who accepted citizenship against advice given under the new citizenship system. The system seems to be working very well so far with most Congressmen following advice.

Alfagrem sai😛
"This current petition system is obv. hostage to spam and whilst its understood that the MoLA will weed out 'joke' proposals purporting to come from Keers or BigAnt.

It should be clearly stated that this is so OR that the MoLA will PM the petitioner to ensure that the petition is indeed valid."

The spam has actually been quite easy to deal with! I will be checking that petitions are serious if there is any doubt.

Alfagrem sai😛
"Change the 'New Citizen Message' due to the fact its information is invalid, biased and not efficient.

i.e Perhaps MoHA should be the first contact point rather than CP, NHS no longer exists, the 'National' forum isn't all that representative of the national make-up."

This request has been sent to Cabinet so that a new message can be drafted for Congress to vote on. Submissions are welcome!

Sage Goku sai😛
"Congressmen should vote to say they will look at the Citizenship advice and take it into account before giving someone a citizenship pass. This information is fantastic and you should use it! http://tinyurl.com/Citizens-Advice-Doc"
I will be asking Congressmen to vote to show their support of the new citizenship system. They should do this every month I think.

Pending Petitions
These petitions need 10 sponsors to see if they have any support or not. There is no point voting if only one person wants it to happen!

1. Sage Goku sai😛
"Congress should vote to abolish all forum legislation to ensure that the next MoLA continues experimenting with in game systems. The Government has already topped using it.
Only 37.5% of Congress have used the existing forums in the last month."

If sponsored this will go to a Congress Vote and the result implemented.

2. Alfagrem sai😛
"With the nation now devoid of real wars and back in another training cycle I'd like to propose that;

A. Income taxes to be reduced to 1%

B. CP is given a mandate (which they are the nominated Mo£ can activate) to issue an executive order to raise Income tax to 10% in the event that the eUK is faced with the imminent threat of invasion or is about to embark on a war.

CP and UKPP have made adjustment to taxes a political promise.

1V back the CP in his policy and also support addressing the disparity between slave workers and the private sector as well as making the taxation burden between those communes that pay minimum wage and those that pay a living wage more even and equitable."

If sponsored this will go to a Congress Vote and the result implemented.

3. Alfagrem sai😛
"Official Government articles are to stop referring to MU 580 as the official UK Military Unit.

1. It raises that MU above all others be they party affiliated or free.
2. Executive and/or Congress have no management of that MU.
3. Commander (great player etc...) is an eForeigner.
4. It's base is abroad which means in contrast to other MUs it pays no taxes to the treasury.

Example of Gov advertising a privately owned group - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mod-days-1864-1865-al-madinah-2183065/1/20"

If sponsored this will go to a Congress Vote. It is up to the CP and MoD to accept the result.

4. Alfagrem Sai😛
"The CP is to be tasked via the MoLA to establish a 'Political Forum' for Executive and/or Congressional discussion.

1. 'They' get the forum format they prefer as superior to all other forms of communication, 'The other lot' don't have to subject themselves to the perils of the 'traditional' forums.

2. Admin is to be the MoLA of the implementing and successive governments as this way there is a democratic mandate behind the imposition of control (and in one of the few moments of unity we do display - It may even be a member of an 'opposition' party).

3. As it’s a congressional board then the need for moderation should be light as unless users decide their party policy is to spam and post porn then congress should be able to talk freely and in whatever tone they deem appropriate of their position.

4. With Politics removed from the 'traditional' boards then perhaps tensions there will simmer down (unless we start discussing war and religion!) to the point where the rest of the community can join them and actually commune in a fun and friendly manner in public discussion, off-topic, humour, other games and all the rest of lifes rich tapestry.

5. The 'traditional' boards can then be advertised to the nation as the community boards they should be."

If sponsored this will go to a Congress Vote. It is up to the CP and MoLA to accept the result.

5. Alphabethis sai😛
"To raise to CP, the need to transfer a medium size UK MU to Spain, paying the travel and weapons, to help Spanish support their RW, so they have more power to deliver in other campaigns such China, betterment of relations with Spain."
If sponsored this will go to a Congress Vote. It is up to the CP, MoD and MoF to accept the result.

6. Ayame Crocodile sai😛
"Government Resources that do not endanger the safety of our nation should be publicly available to all.

ie. Any and all censuses collected." As these were collected on the behalf of the government and therefore the people, they should be openly accessible to everyone so that all can benefit from them."

If sponsored this will go to a Congress Vote. It is up to individual Ministers and ex-Ministers to accept the result.

How to Sponsor
Please paste this form into the comments section. Delete anything you do not sponsor. If you paste it then you support it! You can delete your comment and repost it if you change your mind.

1. Abolish all Forum Legislation
2. Tax Cuts
3. No Official Government MU
4. New Political Forums
5. Support a Mobile Anti-RW MU
6. Government publishes everything including previous Governments.

Please post any discussion of the system in the comments of this article or one you write yourself!

To discuss individual proposals please write articles and PM links to Sage Goku to give to congress for when they will vote. PM me if you wish to change your petition.

- Sage Goku, Minister of Legislative Affairs