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Hello, India!

17 Day 923, 04:39 Published in India India

Well, it seems like you've got your silly wish - Punjab is yours (for a few days at most, but still). Hope that helps you forget about USA inside of you. Good luck getting Karnatake back.

But enough about that silly game. How are you? What did

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I'm tired

11 Day 919, 19:20 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

I've been playing this game for a long time, definitely longer than I should have. A while ago I decided to retire my character in Pakistan, the country of people with whom I shared some of the best memories Erep gave me. Now, I find myself forced

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Дырка еребублика / eBagel's hole

8 Day 919, 06:31 Published in Russia Russia

Вот вам ваш античит, и вот вам ваша V2.

Here's your anti-read more »

Pakistan stands

9 Day 918, 07:51 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Pakistan stands

Again, Pakistan triumphs over the forces of pig disgusting.

You can see the report for Punjab's … read more »

Pig menace – Culmination (UPD 14:25)

12 Day 917, 09:38 Published in Pakistan Pakistan

Pig menace – Culmination

Good time of day, Pakistan.

Today, we face the greatest threat of the last months. Not only the PTOers are clamoring to get a piece of us, but India as well has decided to use a more direct approach.

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