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General Update EN/FR

12 Day 742, 08:45 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Good Morning eSwitzerland !

Its getting close to the end of my term, and as you might have noticed, the amount of articles I have written lately has gone down, mostly because I've been working a lot for upcoming exams. Anyway who cares about that?

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Congress Results EN/FR

22 Day 737, 04:58 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Good Morning eSwitzerland !

So elections are over, and the results aren't too bad ! The Shaolins only got 14 seats, which is good news. So anyway, I was thinking last night after a small conversation with Veenrock Sined, and I realized that not

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Congress and PTO attempt EN/FR

56 Day 735, 07:03 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Version Française plus bas !

Good Morning eSwitzerland !

Today is a sad day, unlike many others. I was talking to a friend the other day, and he sai😛 oh, elections are coming up, its PTO season. Looks like he was right. We are undergoing a

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Training Wars and Organisations EN/FR

11 Day 730, 05:58 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

Good Morning eSwitzerland !

Just a general update, as well as an idea I had when reading Berengar's candidature for congress, about transparency.

So first of all, the good news. We should have a TW in the next couple of days, so that should

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For Arschmann

62 Day 728, 12:40 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

This is a reply to Arschmann's article, as well as just a general overview of the Shaolins.

When I read it, I lol'd. That is one of the things that has motivated this article. The other being that I am more than fed up of propaganda going around

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