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This Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

3 Day 1,910, 09:39 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

A man went to a urologist and told him he was having a problem, as he was unable to get his manhood erect.

The doctor checked him out then told him that the muscles around the base of the organ were damaged from a previous viral infection and

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Some Incredible Photos From History

8 Day 1,908, 06:30 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Last four couples standing in a Chicago dance marathon. ca. 1930.

Three Princeton students pose after the Freshman, Sophomore snowball fight. 1893.

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8 Day 1,907, 04:49 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying A vacuum cleaner.


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Why did the British Wear Red Coats?

3 Day 1,906, 07:37 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Why did the British wear red coats in battle?

During the recent royal wedding, the millions around the world saw that Prince William chose to wear a uniform that included the famous British "red coat."

Many people have asked, "Why did … read more »

Eleven People On A Rope

7 Day 1,905, 09:25 Published in New Zealand New Zealand Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Eleven people were hanging on a rope, under a helicopter.

10 men and 1 woman.

The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one … read more »