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CPM: Opportunity Fund and Money-market (Day 769)

4 Day 769, 07:59 Published in Canada Canada

A little background on this report. This is a collection of tables I maintain to track opportunities on the money market and log the fund management activity of the CPM: Opportunity Fund. It is updated continuously as I day-trade on eRep. For read more »

CPM: Standardized Tax Rates, Mill Rate System and CAD Printing to Tax Revenue

4 Day 769, 06:51 Published in Canada Canada

This is a tough, dry read, I apologize. I intend to bring these items up in congress once the four import tax issues run their course. These three issues are interdependent and bringing up one of them often leads to discussion about the others. read more »

CPM: Protectionist Trade Policy on Abundant Canadian Resources (Day 768)

17 Day 768, 19:07 Published in Canada Canada

Protectionist Trade Policy on Abundant Canadian Resources

eCanada is blessed with an abundance of natural resources (high regions), moreso than most nations. This should be embraced and the development of it encouraged, eCanada should be … read more »

There is a Santa!

17 Day 762, 19:56 Published in Canada Canada

My tree isn't much to look at, but there were a bunch of presents under there.

Merry x-mas everyone!!! Our schedules will be hectic, inventories will run out, voting teams will fall apart, and it will all be waiting for us when we return to our

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Addy Lawrence for a CPF Seat in Congress!!!

10 Day 762, 19:42 Published in Canada Canada


Here is a pic from my press conference announcing my intention to run for congress.

My name is Addy Lawrence and I am a prankster...

...I mean I will be … read more »