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Here I Go Again

4 Day 674, 22:06 Published in USA USA

Hello fellow eSingaporeans. It's me again. I'm running for another term in congress. As you probably all know by now I am smitten with eSingapore and want to do what is best for its citizens. I have used my congressional abilities to vote yes on

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How To Save A Life

17 Day 667, 13:12 Published in Singapore Singapore

Hello everyone. I hope this doesn't embarrass Boethiah too much but I would like to tell you about a RL situation that happened recently. Yesterday a friend of mine had a medical situation happen and refused to go to the emergency room. I begged and

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Green Is Sexy

8 Day 647, 21:03 Published in Singapore Singapore

Hello fellow eSingaporeans. I am one of your congress members and a proud member of The Green Party. The party has gone through so much these past few months but someone rode in and saved it. His name is Boethiah and he is the Party President. He

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Congressional Results

9 Day 645, 14:36 Published in Singapore Singapore

I would like to thank everyone who voted for me. I assure you I will do my part to assist eSingapore in becoming one of the most prosperous countries in the eWorld. Congratulations to those who were also elected. I look forward to working with

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Hoping To Return To Congress

14 Day 637, 13:04 Published in Singapore Singapore

Hello fellow Singaporeans. I'm happy to announce that I'm running for congress. Unfortunately, I was unable to run during the last term due to a RL health situation. I kept my word and stayed in congress until the end of the term and I've always

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