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Boj se bije za Vojvodinu!

31 Day 580, 03:35 Published in Serbia Serbia

Braco Srbi!

Madjarske snage su pre 16 sati napale Vojvodinu. Za sada zid ne izgleda kao da ce puknuti ali ovo je sjajna prilika da se nama vrati jedna regija i nanese poraz eHrvatskoj. Zato pozivamo sve koji mogu iz eSrbije da se presele u

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The opression of eSerbia ends today!

15 Day 573, 12:01 Published in Hungary Hungary

Hungarian brothers!

Over the past month you have helped our country in its darkest hour. In return, we have fought and bled alongside you in your battles

Today, eSerbia needs your help again

In eCroatia, one of our guys, sakal_ks, is

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Ispeci pa reci

15 Day 572, 13:47 Published in Serbia Serbia

Sutra je veliki izborni dan za predsednika partije i prilika da se i glas naroda cuje. Nazalost, ovi izbori nece proci u fer i konkretnom duhu zbog raznoraznih pokusaja TO-a

Izbori u eHrvatskoj
Moram da zapocnem sa izborima u stranoj

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eHrvatska pokusava TO SeS-a!

33 Day 569, 12:02 Published in Serbia Serbia

Jedan eHrvatski kandidat je postao i oficijalni kandidat za predsednika SeS-a, sto mozete da procitate i u ovom clanku

Sta raditi?

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My Hungarian brothers, terrible things are happening in eSerbia

40 Day 567, 14:02 Published in Hungary Hungary

Hello our Hungarian allies
Horrible things have happened in Serbia. As most of you know, our congress has been TO-ed from the so called "men from mars" and they have passed series of laws to inflict damage to our country. The latest-impeachment of

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