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Some have balls of steel and some have balls no more

62 Day 1,163, 06:59 Published in Romania Romania

Hero of the day is Spain.

You all know about what happened lately in EDEN where countries like Poland and Spain decided they are "better" than the rest and closed deals with our enemies.
One of them, Poland has found their (lolish)balls

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Loland purlease don`t gow!

52 Day 1,160, 10:49 Published in Romania Romania

This is a cry of despair.
My heart is filled with pain.

I have just read the official statement of the Lolish

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11 Day 1,160, 04:07 Published in Romania Romania

This article is mostly for Romanians, but not only...

So we got 2 alliances.

One of them is Phoenix, you all know them. Enemy of EDEN and many other countries.

Phoenix is made of Turkey, Macedonia, Russia, Brazil, France, Portugal, … read more »

Lolyfying teh nation [Part faiv of teh Lolish Saga]

20 Day 1,159, 02:29 Published in Romania Romania

Letter from the Lolish King to his followers:

Greetings dear Lolish people,

Time haz come for me to proclaim VICTORY for teh LULLZ! We have struggled with teh Romulanz, we have struggled with tehr allies. However tonight we … read more »

[SP] [PL] Honour knows no boundaries.

128 Day 1,151, 05:25 Published in Romania Romania

This article is dedicated to some nearly-forgotten ties, to brothers who fought by our side for the last 2 years and who did NOT bend over in front of their countries politicians like they were supposed to do.


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