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National channel of eEgypt

3 Day 1,193, 07:53 Published in Egypt Egypt

So ppl,we have our national channel.If you want to have some fun and meet some wierd ppl,then:
Go to
Press launch chat
Find (in a large list)(And select it 😛)
For nick type in your eRepublk nick
For channel type in #

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I AM BACK/Vratio sam se

12 Day 1,192, 03:48 Published in Egypt Egypt

Dear Egyptian subscribers,this article will be on Croatian,and if you complain on the forum,I will ban you (I am the forum admin).

Just kidding,I wont,maybe 😛

Znaci dragi pretplatnici,nakon poduze pauze sam se vratio.(Mislim 3 tjedna).
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Food price...

9 Day 1,177, 08:29 Published in Egypt Egypt

Price of food is too low,it should be at 0.72 if we want to have some profit 😛
0.54 is the price that we spend on grain,+0.17 that we pay per worker,that is 0.71.
And if you make 400 food per day,thats a 4 EGP daily profit.

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How to calculate your profit?

7 Day 1,171, 04:19 Published in Egypt Egypt

Its very simple,today ill write it for product companies...


Take one worker with the highest wellness and skill,check his salary and how many units he produced.
So if you are paying your worker 10 EGP'

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Food price

17 Day 1,169, 01:40 Published in Egypt Egypt

I see that the food price is,hmm,large...
Now i must ask all the owners of Q1 food companies to lower the price on 0.8 EGP.
Why,because its this simple.If you are having a worker working with 100 wellness,and he is Guru 9 (25😵and you are paying

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