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Where is our Representative?

5 Day 425, 18:08 Published in USA USA

This is an open letter to KurtisWH, our current congressman.

Where are you????

You represent us, but you don't talk to us. Okay, you don't HAVE to tell us what you're doing legislatively. But where are you on the eUSA forums?

I did

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A New Look at Old Blessings

5 Day 410, 20:21 Published in USA USA

It's a new year and people are looking ahead to new accomplishments, new successes, and new challenges. But I want to take this moment to take a new look at old blessings.

What blessings am I talking about? Family. It's way to easy to take our

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Presidential Endorsement

4 Day 407, 07:31 Published in USA USA

Originally I did not plan on endorsing anyone - in fact, I kept hoping someone else would show up and make me enthusiastic about this presidential campaign.

But... two things changed yesterday and I'm ready to whole-heartedly endorse

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Appathy or Holidays?

15 Day 402, 19:05 Published in USA USA

I was very disappointed by the results in the Montana Congressional elections. Not that I lost, but rather by the number of votes total.

Looking at today's rankings, there are 17 ecitizens in Montana eligible to vote. However only 7

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My Response to the Congressional Questionnaire

6 Day 397, 10:01 Published in USA USA

This is my response to the Questionnaire posted in in the Libertarian Bulletin (

1. Hot

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