Ambient on/off


5 Day 1,570, 09:57 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Знам дека мислите оти ќе пишувам за некоја си политичка ситуација, или пак воена ситуација во еМакедонија..

Не, се случи нешто многу поголемо од освојување на еДржава или промените на Плато.

Да, Македонци, баш така.


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За Македонија!

17 Day 1,546, 13:39 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Кога утрешниот празник ти е најголемиот и најпочитуваниот празник само за да имаш причина да се опиеш.

Ако сите твои другари имаат девојки, само ти си останат forever-alone зашто сепак ако играш ерепублик или немаш девојка, или си оженет.

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Giving supplies - KOSTAPLERS WAY!

15 Day 1,543, 08:31 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

It was a great day, with a lot of snow outside. But, apparently we are stuck home because of this game called Erepublik.

So we wanted to win the battles but everyone is looking for supplies to fight with, so we organized a little supply channel.

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Indonesian presidential elections

16 Day 1,542, 05:08 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Hello dear Indonesians and Macedonians who read this.

In this occasion I want to share the presidential election results and present the Presidential's cabinet.

Presidential elections were held on 5th February this month. Like every other

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Thank you eIndonesia!

62 Day 1,519, 12:54 Published in Indonesia Indonesia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Dear brothers Indonesians!

Today, I have chance to say something. Today, I am happy to say that Macedonian regions are finally free. Thanks to the all brave macedonians, thanks to ONE, but especially thanks to YOU MY DEAR BROTHERS. You have

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