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They want our BRAIN!!!

8 Day 615, 03:21 Published in USA USA

Name for the new colonies.
Our victorious troops rush to the black heart of the bloody regime of eUSA. Soon it will cease to draw life from the American people. Every step of our troops brings the release of North America. PEACE will win, … read more »

They want our BRAIN!!!

9 Day 615, 03:18 Published in Russia Russia


Имя для новых колоний.
Наши победоносные войска рвутся к черному сердцу оккупационного режима еСША. Скоро перестанет оно вытягивать жизнь из америк … read more »

Love and Passion in the bottom Idahovka (EN)

23 Day 609, 04:08 Published in USA USA

War is raging throughout the new colonies. But even in a such times, the government of Wasingtonshina do not forget to raise the cultural level of aboriginal people. To do this we will publish part of the poem "Love and Passion in the bottom

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Love and Passion in the bottom Idahovka (RU)

21 Day 609, 04:04 Published in Russia Russia

Война бушует по всей территории новых колоний. Но даже в такие минуты правительство Вашингтонщины не забывает повышать культурный уровень туземцев. Для этого мы публикуем часть поэмы "Любовь и страсть в нижней Айдаховке". Фрагмент переведен на язык а

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Another day of Washingtonshchina (EN)

15 Day 608, 05:48 Published in USA USA

All for the people, everything for freedom.
The government of Washingtonshchina closely monitors public opinion. Any resident of the province may ask the governor about anything. So the nurse from Novokryzhopol (formerly Olympia), Jessica … read more »