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Western Siberia, USA (A.K.A Lil' Kentucky)

16 Day 1,005, 20:33 Published in USA USA

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Far East Russia, USA

7 Day 1,003, 19:09 Published in USA USA

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I almost did it

1 Day 1,000, 15:50 Published in USA USA

Im siting here, multi tabs are open, forums i've never visited are about to get bombarded with my NEWWWWWWW recruitment BADGE and then it hit me....

Why would I try to get people to play this crappy game and make their lives miserable?


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As a Result of That

1 Day 987, 09:19 Published in USA USA

It is no secret, the economy almost everywhere is tanking. RM unit prices are going down, while the price of gold is going up and as a result, the price of units is going up and as a result companies are shutting down and laying off, as a result of

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Dear Croatia,

15 Day 975, 16:45 Published in USA USA

You don't know me.

Nor do I think you care.

And you shouldn't.

I am just a citizen of the United States of America. I have never held a position of power. Nor do I want to. In fact, many of my countrymen hate me.

I know recently, and

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