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BIRTHDAY REWARDS + RW INFO - 27. XI EDIT: 4/4 (612/619)

1 Day 3,294, 18:57 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Battle orders Battle orders

Don't be afraid, don't be cheap - Vote, Endorse and Share this piece, cause nobody else does this! Plus, this is not intended for your sorry a** only, but for as many people as possible.


BIRTHDAY REWARDS + RW INFO - 26. XI EDIT: 12/12 (608/615)

4 Day 3,294, 00:05 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Battle orders Battle orders

A moment of huge respect for the hero that's now gone.

Don't be afraid, don't be cheap - Vote, Endorse and Share this piece, cause nobody else does this! Plus,

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BIRTHDAY REWARDS + RW INFO - 25. XI EDIT: 8/8 (596/603)

9 Day 3,292, 22:34 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Battle orders Battle orders

[САМО ДАНАС - Иди у Gold and extras и купи трајну кућицy од 50 здравља за само 9.9 златника!]

[TODAY ONLY - Go to GOLD AND EXTRAS and buy 50health energey center for 9.9 gold!]

Don't be afraid, don't be cheap - Vote, Endorse read more »

BIRTHDAY REWARDS + RW INFO - 24. XI EDIT: 6/6 (588/595)

9 Day 3,291, 12:28 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Battle orders Battle orders

Свечари, срећан вам Мратиндан! Користим прилику да појасним онима који не знају, празник који данас зовемо Свети Стефан Дечански - Мратиндан у ствари је спој два светитеља. Један је био свети Мартин, особито поштован код Срба сточара и становника Бал

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BIRTHDAY REWARDS + RW INFO - 23. XI EDIT: 6/6 (582/589)

8 Day 3,290, 14:31 Published in Montenegro Montenegro Battle orders Battle orders


Vote, Endorse and Share this piece, cause nobody else does this! Plus, this is not intended for your sorry a** only, but for as many people as possible.

[img][/img] … read more »