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Develop Your Skills Quickly for v2!

5 Day 869, 09:49 Published in USA USA,21925.0.html

I strongly suggest you visit the above link.

The author makes a very salient point: upon implementation over to v2, one will be able … read more »

v2 Military Deployment

9 Day 868, 17:59 Published in USA USA

Just a quick note on the latest admin insider:

What I have hinted at before appears to be absolutely correct. Players will be able to deploy on the battlefield at any time. The admins still haven't made clear if players can only deploy on a tile

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eRep Needs Mythos; Will Parties Use v2 to Create One?

10 Day 867, 22:16 Published in USA USA

Given my previous article, the question now remains how will v2 effect the strength of political parties and president elections?

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Lack of Talent: Stupider Presidents but Stronger Parties

16 Day 867, 16:12 Published in USA USA

In line with my v2 analyses, I have tended to focus on those elements of the game with lay beyond the purview of the mechanist and yet are still within the realm of science. Taking into account certain presumptions about human behavior, we can

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Workers and Soldiers: Classes to the Max

10 Day 856, 18:26 Published in USA USA

I am not advocating for a separation of classes. I simply point out that v2 will produce two distinct classes. Either this:

or this:


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