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№ 6 - Join the army, grab a weapon!

18 Day 52, 00:00 Published in Italy Italy

March lies in wait which means the war function will be released and the armies of Sweden and Pakistan will be unleashed.

What we do have is a relatively large army, compared to our own population size.
However, the Italian weapon market is dead.

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№ 5 - Non-profit company up and running.

6 Day 50, 00:00 Published in Italy Italy

So me and a couple of friends decided to create a non-profit company in order to provide cheap weapons to our soldiers before March.
However, some few gold coins are needed for quality upgrade. Feel free to donate! 😉

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№ 4 - My foreign policy is "Nothing for Nothing".

25 Day 47, 00:00 Published in Italy Italy

As swedish majority party Flashback Sweden keep exposing their imperialistic worldview and praise them self for imposing threats on neighbouring countries I've started to overlook different foreign threats toward our nation, Italy.

In a press

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№ 3 - Flashback Sweden keeps another promise!

13 Day 46, 00:00 Published in Italy Italy

Recent press release from the swedish party Flashback Sweden states that their party has kept another campaign promise by ensuring hospitals in each region of the country.

"FBS promised earlier that we would guarantee one hospital in each

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№ 2 - Welfare comes from the Left!

3 Day 45, 00:00 Published in Italy Italy

Earlier today left-wing party Infinity published a press release including some short-term points that the party will try to achieve with the country.
Among other things they will try to increase the capital of the state and build more hospitals.

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