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The UKRP: Our Values

8 Day 611, 05:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello UKRP members and eUK citizens alike,

Here in the UKRP we follow a set of values which guide party members within all aspects of party life, and which they are expected to uphold at all costs.Our values may differ from many other parties and

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The UKRP: Recognising Achievement

6 Day 610, 08:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello UKRP members and eUK citizens alike,

Here at the UKRP, we care about our members and we like to recognise achievement within our party and country. We would like to take this chance to recognise those people who have made both our party and

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The UKRP: Communications And Media Is The Key.

0 Day 607, 08:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello UKRP members,
Just a short article from me today, I would like to take the opportunity to inform everybody in the UKRP about our new media and communications system. The following measures are being put forward by both the media and

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The UKRP: Building A Better Future For The eUK.

11 Day 606, 09:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello eUK citizens and UKRP members alike,

I would like to start by asking you all a question:

What makes a great party?

This is a question which has baffled many people as opinions vary wildly; so when a party suggests that it is 'great',

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The UKRP: Useful Resources

16 Day 605, 15:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello UKRP members,
Now, as your new Head Of Media I have been asked to provide all UKRP members with relevant and useful updates weekly ( As promised in Craig Rossiter's manifesto), however, I have decided to take this one step expect

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